Caitlin Cook Wearing Hxro Logo Shirt
ones who are showing you around, then they create the Caitlin Cook Wearing Hxro Logo Shirt What’s more,I will buy this narrative of what you can see. In that particular one we were there for maybe two, two and a half hours. We weren’t allowed to broadcast it for 24, 48 hours, or even talk about it. There are embargo restrictions. In some cases, they want to see the material, but we never have it censored as such. They never tell us to change the shots. It has to do with security issues. This time they didn’t ask to see it at all. But the difficult part is that we don’t have any – we’re not free to roam. We’re not free to get any of our own material or access, speak to anybody else there. And this is the third embed that I’ve had. I haven’t seen a single Palestinian. I haven’t seen any sign of life or death, haven’t been able to get to any of these humanitarian centers or hospitals. So, it’s been impossible for us to independently report what’s going on there, aside from the incre...