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 ones who are showing you around, then they create the Caitlin Cook Wearing Hxro Logo Shirt What’s more,I will buy this narrative of what you can see. In that particular one we were there for maybe two, two and a half hours. We weren’t allowed to broadcast it for 24, 48 hours, or even talk about it. There are embargo restrictions. In some cases, they want to see the material, but we never have it censored as such. They never tell us to change the shots. It has to do with security issues. This time they didn’t ask to see it at all. But the difficult part is that we don’t have any – we’re not free to roam. We’re not free to get any of our own material or access, speak to anybody else there. And this is the third embed that I’ve had. I haven’t seen a single Palestinian. I haven’t seen any sign of life or death, haven’t been able to get to any of these humanitarian centers or hospitals. So, it’s been impossible for us to independently report what’s going on there, aside from the incredibly courageous work of our colleagues inside Gaza. MARGARET BRENNAN: Indeed, our producer, Marjuan Alghoul (ph), and those people living in the middle of this fight. But you have been in Israel for, what, the better part of three weeks. And in that time there has been growing international pressure, including this ruling by the International Court of Justice ordering Israel to prevent acts of genocide, but stopping short of calling for an immediate ceasefire. I wonder what the soldiers you met with think of all this. Are they feeling fatigued? CHARLIE D’AGATA: There’s definitely fatigue there. But as for the ruling itself, obviously soldiers never comment on government policy or politics. When you ask them about civilian casualties, certainly genocide, they said, they’re doing everything they can to avoid it. But Hamas hides in schools, hospitals, tunnels, and many Israeli are – there are many examples of Israeli soldiers shooting unarmed citizens, even Israeli hostages in one case. As for

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Israel itself, the Caitlin Cook Wearing Hxro Logo Shirt What’s more,I will buy this government – the country is kind of split. Those who back Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who slammed those charges of genocide as outrageous and are looking for total victory, and the others who say, look, enough is enough, we need to stop this, at least get a ceasefire in there, at least get the hostages out, and at least discuss some kind of end game. MARGARET BRENNAN: Charlie, important reporting, and thank you for your context. CHARLIE D’AGATA: Thank you. MARGARET BRENNAN: And we’re joining now by Save the Children’s CEO Janti Soeripto. I want to ask you, Janti, because you were just back from the region, you were looking into how much aid can get into Gaza right now to help the kids you are so concerned about. What did you learn? JANTI SOERIPTO, (Save the Children President and CEO): Thanks, Margaret. Yes, I’ve just come back after a little over ten days in the region. And I made it all the way to the border, the Rafah crossing. I managed to see the hundreds and hundreds of trucks waiting in a rush to get in. And what we’re seeing is still that getting aid into Gaza is still woefully inadequate. We’re looking at about 130, 150 trucks getting in a day on a good day. When I was there it was actually not a good day. I think less than 100 came in. And let’s remind ourselves that before October 7th about 500 trucks made it into Gaza every day. And a mixture of aid and commercial supplies. So, the number that is getting though is woefully

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